Monday, March 28, 2011

Saturday, March 12, 2011

TEPCO : Press Release | Plant Status of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (as of 2am March 13th)

TEPCO : Press Release | Plant Status of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (as of 2am March 13th)

Hacker Collective Anonymous To Release Documents Proving Bank Of America Committed Fraud This Monday | zero hedge

Hacker Collective Anonymous To Release Documents Proving Bank Of America Committed Fraud This Monday | zero hedge

AP News: In Japan plant, frantic efforts to avoid meltdown

AP News: In Japan plant, frantic efforts to avoid meltdown

Daily Kos: Updated Wisconsin - Can we throw a protest rally or what! (Photo Diary)

Daily Kos: Updated Wisconsin - Can we throw a protest rally or what! (Photo Diary)

Japan earthquake: Swarms of fish off coast of Acapulco caused by tsunami? | Mail Online

Japan earthquake: Swarms of fish off coast of Acapulco caused by tsunami? | Mail Online

Susan Sarandon Speaks to Young People At Madison

CRimages: Unofficial Problem Bank List Mar 11, 2011

CRimages: Unofficial Problem Bank List Mar 11, 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011

UPDATED: Between Wisconsin Senate and Assembly Vote, Power Plant Sales Reappear | Crooks and Liars

UPDATED: Between Wisconsin Senate and Assembly Vote, Power Plant Sales Reappear | Crooks and Liars

ThinkProgress » NH GOP Senator Says The Mentally Ill Are ‘Defective People’ That Should Be Shipped Off To Siberia

ThinkProgress » NH GOP Senator Says The Mentally Ill Are ‘Defective People’ That Should Be Shipped Off To Siberia

Army private 'pressured to implicate Assange' - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Army private 'pressured to implicate Assange' - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

WikiLeaks:Strategy - WikiLeaks

WikiLeaks:Strategy - WikiLeaks

Mother Jones magazine on Tumblr - Chart of the Day: This is what class war looks...

Mother Jones magazine on Tumblr - Chart of the Day: This is what class war looks...

msnbc tv: Questions persist over accused leaker’s conditions

msnbc tv: Questions persist over accused leaker’s conditions

[2ch] New Speed ​​Quality: [Image] In summary the picture is too dangerously earthquake Northeast International Sites

[2ch] New Speed ​​Quality: [Image] In summary the picture is too dangerously earthquake Northeast International Sites

Just devastating.

GOP Budget Cuts Target Tsunami Warning Center | Mother Jones

GOP Budget Cuts Target Tsunami Warning Center | Mother Jones

A killer tsunami has devastated Japan and is now threatening Hawaii and the Pacific Coast of the US. But just last month, Republicans voted to gut funding for the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center—a cut that would cripple the National Weather Service's ability to issue warnings about such disasters.

Wisconsin Poll: Republican Enthusiasm Gap Vanishes

Wisconsin Poll: Republican Enthusiasm Gap Vanishes

The poll released this past weekend by a conservative Wisconsin think tank did more than indicate a preference for compromise among Wisconsin adults. It also includes evidence that the enthusiasm gap favoring Republicans in Wisconsin in 2010 has vanished.

State Dept. official's comments about WikiLeaks suspect touch off furor - Wire - Lifestyle -

State Dept. official's comments about WikiLeaks suspect touch off furor - Wire - Lifestyle -

Assange case in turmoil as accuser linked to police

Assange case in turmoil as accuser linked to police

Eyewitness Recalls Earthquake | Dylan Ratigan

Eyewitness Recalls Earthquake | Dylan Ratigan

Mother Jones magazine on Tumblr - On a day when science reminds humans who’s the...

Mother Jones magazine on Tumblr - On a day when science reminds humans who’s the...

More Earthquakes to Come in Japan - Culture - GOOD - StumbleUpon

More Earthquakes to Come in Japan - Culture - GOOD - StumbleUpon

Japan declares state of atomic power emergency | Video |

Japan declares state of atomic power emergency | Video |

Walker’s Big Bank Donors Take a Hit | The Nation

Walker’s Big Bank Donors Take a Hit | The Nation

88,000 People, a High Speed Bullet Train, and a Cruise Ship Are Missing in Japan - New York News - Runnin' Scared

88,000 People, a High Speed Bullet Train, and a Cruise Ship Are Missing in Japan - New York News - Runnin' Scared

Thursday, March 10, 2011

YouTube - GRITtv: F Word: When Is It Time for a General Strike?

YouTube - GRITtv: F Word: When Is It Time for a General Strike?

Dumbing Deficits Down -

Dumbing Deficits Down -

WikiLeaks:Big picture - WikiLeaks

WikiLeaks:Big picture - WikiLeaks

What do Walmart, FOX News, and Koch Brothers have in common?

What do Walmart, FOX News, and Koch Brothers have in common?

Keep on eye on Marshall & Ilsley Bank

Keep on eye on Marshall & Ilsley Bank

TwitLonger: I'm trying to recall who said this: Remember the Bush aide who stated the following: ''We're an empi

TwitLonger: I'm trying to recall who said this: Remember the Bush aide who stated the following: ''We're an empi

Not So Silent Thoughts: 2nd aide within a week meets death under strange circumstances. Obama 's got some splanin to do!

Not So Silent Thoughts: 2nd aide within a week meets death under strange circumstances. Obama 's got some splanin to do!

Things that make you go .."hmmmm..."

Justice Department plans to use secret code in leak trial - Josh Gerstein -

Justice Department plans to use secret code in leak trial - Josh Gerstein -

Tim Scolnick | Upton’s Upcoming Pipeline Safety Legislation Is Next Favor To Koch Brothers

Tim Scolnick | Upton’s Upcoming Pipeline Safety Legislation Is Next Favor To Koch Brothers

Friday, March 4, 2011

A Declaration of Cyber-War | Culture | Vanity Fair

A Declaration of Cyber-War | Culture | Vanity Fair

Trying to decide if this is hyperbole or a true threat.

Chart of the Day: Who's Afraid of the Tea Party? | Mother Jones

Chart of the Day: Who's Afraid of the Tea Party? | Mother Jones

Not that powerful. But then who expected Koch Corporate Astroturfers to be anything but a silly and pathetic little club of white bohys and gurls with nothing better to do than to make asses of themselves.

Justice Cranks Up Its Covert War on Whistleblowers—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)

Justice Cranks Up Its Covert War on Whistleblowers—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)

Shame on Obama.

Harvard Law Reviews WikiLeaks Censorship | GroundReport

Harvard Law Reviews WikiLeaks Censorship | GroundReport

A working draft of the report has been made available online. The draft exposes how the U.S. government, mainstream media, and the emerging corporatocracy have been working together to infringe on the First Amendment Rights of the “networked fourth estate” sites, like WikiLeaks. Essentially, the government has been tripping over its feet to find ways to stop Wikileaks from expressing speech which Benkler argues is clearly protected by the U.S. Constitution and solidly supported by Supreme Court precedent.

With false statements coming from the State Department, key Senators, and the White House, major credit cards, Pay Pal, and host of other sites like Amazon cut off ties with WikiLeaks. Benkler points out that legally, the U.S. government did not have the right to shut down WikiLeaks. However, by a series of “extra-legal” means, the government was able to temporarily shut down the site and its revenue stream. Essentially, all the major corporate controls of the Internet, have now blocked WikiLeaks, as a result of a relentless government propaganda campaign to censor the organization.  

Libya: Oil Industry Group Opposes Obama's Sanctions | Mother Jones

Libya: Oil Industry Group Opposes Obama's Sanctions | Mother Jones

American oil companies are sensitive about discussing their role in operating in Qaddafi's Libya. In the interest of protecting its members, USA*Engage, too, is cagey about having a spotlight on its activities. Reinsch, for his part, only spoke to Mother Jones reluctantly, saying, at one point, "I think it would be better for the story never to come out."

Thursday, March 3, 2011

How to Kill a Recovery -

How to Kill a Recovery -

WikiLeaks Soldier Left Naked in Cell, Lawyer Says -

WikiLeaks Soldier Left Naked in Cell, Lawyer Says -

Disgusting. Manning has been convicted of NO crimes. This is obscene.

Media Currently Publishing

Media Currently Publishing

50 media organizations publishing US Diplomatic Cables or original stories from WikiLeaks in 29 countries:

Clinton admits WikiLeaks will dominate the rest of her life - Americas, World - The Independent

Clinton admits WikiLeaks will dominate the rest of her life - Americas, World - The Independent

Whose House? Our House! - Wisconsin State AFL-CIO Blog

Whose House? Our House! - Wisconsin State AFL-CIO Blog

Panorama - Shooters walk free, whistleblower jailed -

Panorama - Shooters walk free, whistleblower jailed -

Stating Publicly for the First Time that "Gadhafi Must Leave, " President Obama Announces US Military Planes Will Help Refugees - Political Punch

Stating Publicly for the First Time that "Gadhafi Must Leave, " President Obama Announces US Military Planes Will Help Refugees - Political Punch

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Surviving 21st december 2012

Surviving 21st december 2012

ThinkProgress » BREAKING: Wisconsin Voters Launch Recall Campaign Against Eight GOP State Senators

ThinkProgress » BREAKING: Wisconsin Voters Launch Recall Campaign Against Eight GOP State Senators

Will DOJ Finally Finish Its “Review” of Faulty White Paper on Illegal Wiretapping on Monday? | Emptywheel

Will DOJ Finally Finish Its “Review” of Faulty White Paper on Illegal Wiretapping on Monday? | Emptywheel

What's the hold-up?

SpyTalk - Spy bloggers not ‘friending’ U.S. targets, Centcom says

SpyTalk - Spy bloggers not ‘friending’ U.S. targets, Centcom says

Yeah, riiiiight. Not believing it.

Reports: Government Wasting Billions | Dylan Ratigan

Reports: Government Wasting Billions | Dylan Ratigan

Collateral Murder

Collateral Murder

British Court to Anti-Gay Couple: No Foster Kids | Mother Jones

British Court to Anti-Gay Couple: No Foster Kids | Mother Jones

Nine Afghan Boys Killed by NATO Helicopters -

Nine Afghan Boys Killed by NATO Helicopters -

Exclusive - WikiLeaks: How the Cola war was won in Libya | Reuters

Exclusive - WikiLeaks: How the Cola war was won in Libya | Reuters

Life in the Sea Ice | Mother Jones

Life in the Sea Ice | Mother Jones