Monday, February 28, 2011

HBGary Federal’s Aaron Barr Resigns After Anonymous Hack Scandal - Andy Greenberg - The Firewall - Forbes

HBGary Federal’s Aaron Barr Resigns After Anonymous Hack Scandal - Andy Greenberg - The Firewall - Forbes

Pro-Gadhafi forces fight rebels in 2 cities - Yahoo! News

Pro-Gadhafi forces fight rebels in 2 cities - Yahoo! News

Democrats call for an investigation of Hunton & Williams

Democrats call for an investigation of Hunton & Williams

The Plum Line - Dem poll: Republicans turning on Scott Walker

The Plum Line - Dem poll: Republicans turning on Scott Walker

HBGary Federal CEO Aaron Barr Steps Down | threatpost

HBGary Federal CEO Aaron Barr Steps Down | threatpost

Cracking down on Wall Street | Dylan Ratigan

Cracking down on Wall Street | Dylan Ratigan

Joanna Zelman | Why The U.S. Department of Defense Should Fight A War Against Global Warming Instead Of People

Joanna Zelman | Why The U.S. Department of Defense Should Fight A War Against Global Warming Instead Of People

AFSCME Files Unfair Labor Practice Against Walker in Wisconsin | FDL News Desk

AFSCME Files Unfair Labor Practice Against Walker in Wisconsin | FDL News Desk

Put a Tyrant in Your Tank | Mother Jones

Put a Tyrant in Your Tank | Mother Jones

Close Read: Keeping Quiet About Davis : The New Yorker

Close Read: Keeping Quiet About Davis : The New Yorker

Inside Job: “Not a single executive has gone to jail.” | Dylan Ratigan

Inside Job: “Not a single executive has gone to jail.” | Dylan Ratigan

Obama Calls the Republican Healthcare Bluff | Mother Jones

Obama Calls the Republican Healthcare Bluff | Mother Jones

....The legislation would allow states to opt out earlier from various requirements if they could demonstrate that other methods would allow them to cover as many people, with insurance that is as comprehensive and affordable, as provided by the new law....If states can meet those standards, they can ask to circumvent minimum benefit levels, structural requirements for insurance exchanges and the mandates that most individuals obtain coverage and that employers provide it.

New York Times Punk’d By Anti-Union Plant | FOK News Channel

New York Times Punk’d By Anti-Union Plant | FOK News Channel

Koch Classic

Koch Classic

"If law fails, CIA will assassinate Assange"

U.S. shields foreign mercenaries in Libya to protect Bush officials - Glenn Greenwald -

U.S. shields foreign mercenaries in Libya to protect Bush officials - Glenn Greenwald -

Why would a clause be inserted to expressly protect war crimes-committing mercenaries on Gadaffi's payroll from international prosecutions? Because, as The Telegraph's John Swaine reports, the Obama administration insisted on its inclusion -- as an absolutely non-negotiable demand -- due to a fear that its exclusion might render Bush officials (or, ultimately, even Obama officials) subject to war crimes prosecutions at the ICC on the same theory that would be used to hold Libya's mercenaries accountable:

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Four Swiss Bankers Charged with Helping U.S. Taxpayers Use Secret Accounts at Swiss Banks to Evade U.S. Taxes

Four Swiss Bankers Charged with Helping U.S. Taxpayers Use Secret Accounts at Swiss Banks to Evade U.S. Taxes

Return of the Class Struggle « LRB blog

Return of the Class Struggle « LRB blog

Indiana Dems: This Is Our Moment And We're Seizing It | TPMDC

Indiana Dems: This Is Our Moment And We're Seizing It | TPMDC

FOP to GOP yesterday—Here’s want we want: what we public employees already have

FOP to GOP yesterday—Here’s want we want: what we public employees already have

Watchdog Wants Probe of Gov. Walker's State Patrol Visit | Mother Jones

Watchdog Wants Probe of Gov. Walker's State Patrol Visit | Mother Jones

Gaddafi ordered Lockerbie bombing: Ex-minister

Gaddafi ordered Lockerbie bombing: Ex-minister

Toxic Tipping Point | Mother Jones

Toxic Tipping Point | Mother Jones

Tweet lands Deputy AG in hot water

Tweet lands Deputy AG in hot water

Did Scott Walker Get Crank-Call Pwned? (AUDIO) UPDATE: YES | Mother Jones

Did Scott Walker Get Crank-Call Pwned? (AUDIO) UPDATE: YES | Mother Jones

The Story of Citizens United v. FEC (2011) -- Teaser

Monday, February 21, 2011

POLITICO: Among Libya's lobbyists - Laura Rozen - Among Libya's lobbyists

POLITICO: Among Libya's lobbyists - Laura Rozen - Among Libya's lobbyists

An Open Letter to Journalists From Gasland Director Josh Fox in Response to Attacks by Gas Industry

An Open Letter to Journalists From Gasland Director Josh Fox in Response to Attacks by Gas Industry

What Would Teddy Do? | Dylan Ratigan

What Would Teddy Do? | Dylan Ratigan

Tim Scolnick | Canada Bullying The European Union Over Tar Sands, Threatening To Scuttle Trade Agreement

Tim Scolnick | Canada Bullying The European Union Over Tar Sands, Threatening To Scuttle Trade Agreement

Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism

Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism

Daily Kos: Slave Labor - Money trail leads to Koch Brothers and Conservatives who want your job!

Daily Kos: Slave Labor - Money trail leads to Koch Brothers and Conservatives who want your job!

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Obama Administration and the Taliban : The New Yorker

The Obama Administration and the Taliban : The New Yorker

Daily Kos: Organizing recall in Wisconsin

Daily Kos: Organizing recall in Wisconsin

How Monsanto And Evangelical Christian Organizations Hijacked The Taxpayer Money Intended For Haiti | Disinformation

How Monsanto And Evangelical Christian Organizations Hijacked The Taxpayer Money Intended For Haiti | Disinformation

So sick of these corporate and creepy religious slug carpetbaggers stealing from the poor.

Egypt decides to open Gaza crossing partially | News by Country | Reuters

Egypt decides to open Gaza crossing partially | News by Country | Reuters

U.S. vetoes U.N. draft condemning Israeli settlements | Reuters

U.S. vetoes U.N. draft condemning Israeli settlements | Reuters


Egypt says Iran ships can use Suez Canal: source | Reuters

Egypt says Iran ships can use Suez Canal: source | Reuters

Ruh roh.

Bahrain royal family orders army to turn on the people - Telegraph

Bahrain royal family orders army to turn on the people - Telegraph

Cowardly royal family

Egypt: prison guards killed scores in run-up to fall of Hosni Mubarak - Telegraph

Egypt: prison guards killed scores in run-up to fall of Hosni Mubarak - Telegraph


Libyan protesters assert control - Telegraph

Libyan protesters assert control - Telegraph

Of Course a Grand Bargain Would Be Tilted Toward Spending Cuts | FDL News Desk

Of Course a Grand Bargain Would Be Tilted Toward Spending Cuts | FDL News Desk

Wisconsin Is a Battleground Against the Billionaire Kochs' Plan to Break Labor's Back | | AlterNet

Wisconsin Is a Battleground Against the Billionaire Kochs' Plan to Break Labor's Back | | AlterNet

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Daily Kos: GA Legislator Wants to Create The Uterus Police to Investigate Miscarriages

Daily Kos: GA Legislator Wants to Create The Uterus Police to Investigate Miscarriages

As George Carlin once said:

If you're pre-born, you're fine.
If you're pre-school, you're fucked.

Daily Kos: It's Spreading - Labor in Ohio Protests Union Buster Bill

Daily Kos: It's Spreading - Labor in Ohio Protests Union Buster Bill

WEST BANK: Obama calls Mahmoud Abbas, who calls for urgent leadership meeting | Babylon & Beyond | Los Angeles Times

WEST BANK: Obama calls Mahmoud Abbas, who calls for urgent leadership meeting | Babylon & Beyond | Los Angeles Times

"Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riyad Malki said the U.S. has tried to convince the Palestinians to withdraw their Security Council proposal, but without success. He said the proposed U.S. alternative to the Palestinian resolution would not make them change their minds."

Daily Kos: Wikileaks Informationthread 62: The Forgotten Man: Bradley Manning

Daily Kos: Wikileaks Informationthread 62: The Forgotten Man: Bradley Manning

slight paranoia

slight paranoia


"While tech companies aren't particularly crazy about adding new snooping capabilities into their services, they are even less excited about having to eat the financial cost of developing and deploying those backdoors."

Themis Applies JSOC Techniques to Citizens “Extorting” from Corporate Clients | Emptywheel

Themis Applies JSOC Techniques to Citizens “Extorting” from Corporate Clients | Emptywheel

Daily Kos: Clinton Resign: Hillary Shows Her Contempt for Free Speech, Silent 71 Year-Old Veteran Roughed Up

Daily Kos: Clinton Resign: Hillary Shows Her Contempt for Free Speech, Silent 71 Year-Old Veteran Roughed Up

The powerful law firm at the center of the WikiLeaks plot

The powerful law firm at the center of the WikiLeaks plot

Targets of Chamber of Commerce fight back

Targets of Chamber of Commerce fight back

Terrance Berg | Report: Alberta Oil Sands Most Destructive Project on Earth

Terrance Berg | Report: Alberta Oil Sands Most Destructive Project on Earth

Want the facts on the Alberta Oil Sands? Check our Top 10 Facts About the Alberta Oil Sands section.

Again with the Zombie Lies…

Again with the Zombie Lies…

Good to see people getting wise to these charlatans.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Truthout | Fearless, Independent News and Opinion

Truthout | Fearless, Independent News and Opinion

Daily Kos: Slave Labor & Privatization on increase, Driven by Conservative corporations and lawmakers

Daily Kos: Slave Labor & Privatization on increase, Driven by Conservative corporations and lawmakers

Daily Kos: Wikileaks Informationthread 61: Group Update

Daily Kos: Wikileaks Informationthread 61: Group Update

Taibbi's depressing new read on Wall Street

Taibbi's depressing new read on Wall Street

Daily Kos: Huge Victory for Sea Shepherd- Japan calls halt to Antarctic Whaling!

Daily Kos: Huge Victory for Sea Shepherd- Japan calls halt to Antarctic Whaling!


Chet Uber Contacted HBGary before He Publicized His Role in Turning in Bradley Manning | Emptywheel

Chet Uber Contacted HBGary before He Publicized His Role in Turning in Bradley Manning | Emptywheel

YouTube - Curveball - Germany

YouTube - Curveball - Germany


Friday, February 11, 2011

Karzai Adamant on Contractor Dismissal in Afghanistan | FDL News Desk

Karzai Adamant on Contractor Dismissal in Afghanistan | FDL News Desk

Within four months, eh?  Wow.

Brad Friedman on ChamberLeaks: “We’re fighting against how our own tax dollars are being spent against us.” | FDL News Desk

Brad Friedman on ChamberLeaks: “We’re fighting against how our own tax dollars are being spent against us.” | FDL News Desk

The Egyptian Revolution: First Impressions from the Field [Updated]

The Egyptian Revolution: First Impressions from the Field [Updated]

Further, the revolution lacked recognized leadership from beginning to end, a fact that seemed to matter most to observers but not to participants. I saw several debates in which participants strongly resisted being represented by any existing group or leader, just as they resisted demands that they produce “representatives” that someone, such as al-Azhar or the government, could talk to. When the government asked that someone be designated as a spokesperson for this revolt, many participants flippantly designated one of the disappeared, only in the hope that being so designated might hasten his reappearance.

Current TV in same position as pre-Olbermann MSNBC

Current TV in same position as pre-Olbermann MSNBC

Why Bradley Manning is a patriot, not a criminal

Why Bradley Manning is a patriot, not a criminal

The leaked campaign to attack WikiLeaks and its supporters

The leaked campaign to attack WikiLeaks and its supporters