Friday, June 3, 2011

- The Aphorisms of the Philosophers - 'Squashed Philosophers' Abridged Edition

- The Aphorisms of the Philosophers - 'Squashed Philosophers' Abridged Edition

Conversational Terrorism: How NOT to Talk!

Conversational Terrorism: How NOT to Talk!

Because Government IS the Problem… and now you have cholera |

Because Government IS the Problem… and now you have cholera |

YouTube - Betty Bowers Explains Traditional Marriage to Everyone Else

YouTube - Betty Bowers Explains Traditional Marriage to Everyone Else

Why Older Planets Are More Likely to Harbor Life - TIME

Why Older Planets Are More Likely to Harbor Life - TIME

Japan's Unlikely Saviors: Elderly Willing to Toil in a Nuke No-Go Zone - Yahoo! News

Japan's Unlikely Saviors: Elderly Willing to Toil in a Nuke No-Go Zone - Yahoo! News

Clarence Thomas – The Original #Weinergate | Angry Black Lady Chronicles

Clarence Thomas – The Original #Weinergate | Angry Black Lady Chronicles

Clarence Thomas – The Original #Weinergate | Angry Black Lady Chronicles

Clarence Thomas – The Original #Weinergate | Angry Black Lady Chronicles

Thursday, May 26, 2011 (Asahishinbunsya): Japanese robots long gone before Fukushima accident - English (Asahishinbunsya): Japanese robots long gone before Fukushima accident - English

Fed Gave Banks Crisis Gains on $80 Billion Secretive Loans as Low as 0.01% - Bloomberg

Fed Gave Banks Crisis Gains on $80 Billion Secretive Loans as Low as 0.01% - Bloomberg

Judge voids Wisconsin's anti-union law | Reuters

Judge voids Wisconsin's anti-union law | Reuters

CIA to search bin Laden compound - The Washington Post

CIA to search bin Laden compound - The Washington Post

YouTube - Big BAD John

YouTube - Big BAD John

Pro-fracking ad accidentally reveals dangers of fracking | Grist

Pro-fracking ad accidentally reveals dangers of fracking | Grist

BBC News - Egyptian pyramids found by infra-red satellite images

BBC News - Egyptian pyramids found by infra-red satellite images

Saturday, May 7, 2011

YouTube - Lin-Manuel Miranda Performs at the White House Poetry Jam: (8 of 8)

YouTube - Lin-Manuel Miranda Performs at the White House Poetry Jam: (8 of 8)

Killing Evil Doesn’t Make Us Evil -

Killing Evil Doesn’t Make Us Evil -

Late expert gave forewarning of Fukushima nuke plant disaster draws attention on Net | The Japan Times Online

Late expert gave forewarning of Fukushima nuke plant disaster draws attention on Net | The Japan Times Online



Special Comment: The Death of Bin Laden

Special Comment: The Death of Bin Laden

YouTube - P!nk - Stupid Girls

YouTube - P!nk - Stupid Girls

YouTube - Pink (P!nk) - Fuckin' Perfect (Music Video) HQ [2011 *NEW*]

YouTube - Pink (P!nk) - Fuckin' Perfect (Music Video) HQ [2011 *NEW*]

Osama bin Laden compound videos to be made public | World news |

Osama bin Laden compound videos to be made public | World news |

Monday, May 2, 2011

Arab response to bin Laden’s death muted - The Washington Post

Arab response to bin Laden’s death muted - The Washington Post

“But now groups like al-Qaeda are facing a real crisis. People are saying, ‘If I can achieve change peacefully, why should I follow al-Qaeda?’ ’’

U.S. spies dig into data from bin Laden raid -

U.S. spies dig into data from bin Laden raid -

Osama bin Laden dead: President Obama's big risk pays off with raid -

Osama bin Laden dead: President Obama's big risk pays off with raid -

Wikileaks Founder: Facebook is the most appalling spy machine that has ever been invented - TNW Facebook

Wikileaks Founder: Facebook is the most appalling spy machine that has ever been invented - TNW Facebook

Wikileaks Founder: Facebook is the most appalling spy machine that has ever been invented - TNW Facebook

Wikileaks Founder: Facebook is the most appalling spy machine that has ever been invented - TNW Facebook

U.S. Dropped Nuclear Rule Meant to Avert Hydrogen Explosions -

U.S. Dropped Nuclear Rule Meant to Avert Hydrogen Explosions -

Fukushima parents dish the dirt in protest over radiation levels | World news | The Guardian

Fukushima parents dish the dirt in protest over radiation levels | World news | The Guardian

Abbottabad resident recounts 'firing, blasts, grenades' -

Abbottabad resident recounts 'firing, blasts, grenades' -

Birth of a Hummingbird - Roger's Photos

Birth of a Hummingbird - Roger's Photos

What info media given « Gretawire

What info media given « Gretawire

AP Exclusive: Indonesian militant snared in Pakistan hill town on route to al-Qaida lands - 4/14/2011 2:06:32 PM | Newser

AP Exclusive: Indonesian militant snared in Pakistan hill town on route to al-Qaida lands - 4/14/2011 2:06:32 PM | Newser

AP Exclusive: Indonesian militant snared in Pakistan hill town on route to al-Qaida lands - 4/14/2011 2:06:32 PM | Newser

AP Exclusive: Indonesian militant snared in Pakistan hill town on route to al-Qaida lands - 4/14/2011 2:06:32 PM | Newser

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Google News

Google News

Tornadoes: Tornado damage, deaths stun the South -

Hovering Drones Capture Video Of Fukushima Destruction | Gizmodo Australia

Hovering Drones Capture Video Of Fukushima Destruction | Gizmodo Australia

English Russia » Chernobyl Scrap Metal

English Russia » Chernobyl Scrap Metal

YouTube - Elenin PREDICTIONS

YouTube - Elenin PREDICTIONS - Long, steady, hi-def clip of tsunami washing city of Ofunato out to sea - Long, steady, hi-def clip of tsunami washing city of Ofunato out to sea - Galactic Timelapse - Galactic Timelapse

YouTube - Fight of the Century: Keynes vs. Hayek Round Two

YouTube - Fight of the Century: Keynes vs. Hayek Round Two

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

YouTube - With President Obama's Birth Certificate, Klansman Trump Reminds Blacks They Will Never Be American

YouTube - With President Obama's Birth Certificate, Klansman Trump Reminds Blacks They Will Never Be American

An Innocent in the Terror Prison: The Guantanamo File on Germany's Murat Kurnaz - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

An Innocent in the Terror Prison: The Guantanamo File on Germany's Murat Kurnaz - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International News Transcript: DoD News Briefing: Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen News Transcript: DoD News Briefing: Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen

YouTube - Corbett: Govt grip on Fukushima info repeats Chernobyl mistakes

YouTube - Corbett: Govt grip on Fukushima info repeats Chernobyl mistakes

YouTube - Benjamin Fulford National emergency committee (ENGLISH subtitles) 26/4/2010 part1

YouTube - Benjamin Fulford National emergency committee (ENGLISH subtitles) 26/4/2010 part1

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fukushima | Death Toll | Meltdown | Chernobyl

Fukushima | Death Toll | Meltdown | Chernobyl

Wolfram|Alpha: Computational Knowledge Engine

Wolfram|Alpha: Computational Knowledge Engine

Rap News - Wikileaks vs Pentagon with subtitles | Universal Subtitles

Rap News - Wikileaks vs Pentagon with subtitles | Universal Subtitles

USDA May Let Monsanto Test Own Crops - Truthdig

USDA May Let Monsanto Test Own Crops - Truthdig

Taliban ‘Great Escape’: DIY Tunnel Leads to Massive Jailbreak | Danger Room |

Taliban ‘Great Escape’: DIY Tunnel Leads to Massive Jailbreak | Danger Room |

The Plan to Nuke Guantanamo Bay | Danger Room |

The Plan to Nuke Guantanamo Bay | Danger Room |

Rest in Peace Beautiful Soul - Phoebe Snow

YouTube - Phoebe Snow - If I Can Just Get Through The Night - 1989

WikiLeaks Exposes Terror Master’s Nincompoop Nephew | Danger Room |

WikiLeaks Exposes Terror Master’s Nincompoop Nephew | Danger Room |

上杉隆が語る東電の情報操作1/2 | Universal Subtitles

上杉隆が語る東電の情報操作1/2 | Universal Subtitles

Select the language before viewing video so it will subtitle it.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Credit Rating Hoax | The Nation

The Credit Rating Hoax | The Nation

Hiroshima Peace Memorial (Genbaku Dome) - UNESCO World Heritage Centre

Hiroshima Peace Memorial (Genbaku Dome) - UNESCO World Heritage Centre

On Stones in Japan, Tsunami Warnings — Aneyoshi Journal -

On Stones in Japan, Tsunami Warnings — Aneyoshi Journal -



The First Guess: Lotto Nation | FOK News Channel

The First Guess: Lotto Nation | FOK News Channel

NRG Abandons Project for 2 Reactors in South Texas -

NRG Abandons Project for 2 Reactors in South Texas -

YouTube - Japan Nuclear meltdown B P Oil Spill Earth day 2011 time to where Black, on more Green

YouTube - Japan Nuclear meltdown B P Oil Spill Earth day 2011 time to where Black, on more Green

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Gould: The Evolution of Life on the Earth

Gould: The Evolution of Life on the Earth

Powder to remove radiation developed | The Japan Times Online

Powder to remove radiation developed | The Japan Times Online

pict18.jpg (1350×898)

pict18.jpg (1350×898)

The Akademik Lomonosov, a floating nuclear power station, is launched at Baltiyskiy shipyard in St. Petersburg, in this handout picture taken March 25, 2011. Before Fukushima, more than 300 nuclear reactors were planned or proposed worldwide, the vast majority of them in fast-growing developing economies. While parts of the developed world might now freeze or even reduce their reliance on nuclear, emerging markets such as China, India, the Middle East and Eastern Europe will continue their nuclear drive. Russia is building the world's first offshore atomic plant, and boldly pressing ahead with its global marketing despite. increased safety fears and costs amid the fallout over Japan's ongoing nuclear emergency.

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Photos 10

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Photos 10

Fukushima Daiichi - Plots of reactor data - Units #1, #2, #3

Fukushima Daiichi - Plots of reactor data - Units #1, #2, #3

YouTube - Japan Tsunami Fukushima Nuclear Disaster 2/2- Leuren Moret - PDX 9/11 Truth

YouTube - Japan Tsunami Fukushima Nuclear Disaster 2/2- Leuren Moret - PDX 9/11 Truth

TEPCO : News | Photos For Press

TEPCO : News | Photos For Press

TEPCO starts moving highly radioactive water to storage facility ‹ Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion

TEPCO starts moving highly radioactive water to storage facility ‹ Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion
Posted by Picasa

Posted by Picasa

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Setting the Record Straight on Mark I Containment History | GE Reports

Setting the Record Straight on Mark I Containment History | GE Reports

At Crippled Japanese Nuclear Plant: Sign Says 'Zero Disasters For This Year' : The Two-Way : NPR

At Crippled Japanese Nuclear Plant: Sign Says 'Zero Disasters For This Year' : The Two-Way : NPR

Unit 1 nuclear power plant Fukushima / pressure reactor nuclear reactor state Hukushima

Unit 1 nuclear power plant Fukushima / pressure reactor nuclear reactor state Hukushima

Daily Kos: Budget, deficit negotiation: Building the case for doing nothing

Daily Kos: Budget, deficit negotiation: Building the case for doing nothing

TEPCO confirms damage to part of No. 4 unit's spent nuke fuel | Kyodo News

TEPCO confirms damage to part of No. 4 unit's spent nuke fuel | Kyodo News

Fukushima forecast shows large radiation cloud over U.S. West Coast on April 14, 15 (VIDEO) « Energy News

Fukushima forecast shows large radiation cloud over U.S. West Coast on April 14, 15 (VIDEO) « Energy News

Removing highly toxic water remains difficult task at nuke plant | Kyodo News

Removing highly toxic water remains difficult task at nuke plant | Kyodo News

Monday, April 11, 2011



The Japanese government's nuclear safety agency has decided to raise the crisis level of the Fukushima Daiichi power plant accident from 5 to 7, the worst on the international scale.

Radiation Up To 4 Times Higher Than Chernobyl Evac Zone Found In Soil 30 km Away From Fukushima; Rice Harvest In Question | zero hedge

Radiation Up To 4 Times Higher Than Chernobyl Evac Zone Found In Soil 30 km Away From Fukushima; Rice Harvest In Question | zero hedge

Daily Kos: "Huge Embarassment" as POTUS' Fmr. Law Professor Opposes Manning Treatment

Daily Kos: "Huge Embarassment" as POTUS' Fmr. Law Professor Opposes Manning Treatment

Himalayan Yak Wool Reaches New Heights in Khunu Sportwear : TreeHugger

Himalayan Yak Wool Reaches New Heights in Khunu Sportwear : TreeHugger

How nuclear apologists mislead | NewsBreakingOnline

How nuclear apologists mislead | NewsBreakingOnline

Lloyds told to sell more branches in banks shake-up | NewsBreakingOnline

Lloyds told to sell more branches in banks shake-up | NewsBreakingOnline

Lloyds said. The major banks will also be affected by the commission’s propositions that they be forced to separate their savings business from the rest of their operations to reduce the need for another taxpayer bailout of the system.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Saturday, March 12, 2011

TEPCO : Press Release | Plant Status of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (as of 2am March 13th)

TEPCO : Press Release | Plant Status of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (as of 2am March 13th)

Hacker Collective Anonymous To Release Documents Proving Bank Of America Committed Fraud This Monday | zero hedge

Hacker Collective Anonymous To Release Documents Proving Bank Of America Committed Fraud This Monday | zero hedge

AP News: In Japan plant, frantic efforts to avoid meltdown

AP News: In Japan plant, frantic efforts to avoid meltdown

Daily Kos: Updated Wisconsin - Can we throw a protest rally or what! (Photo Diary)

Daily Kos: Updated Wisconsin - Can we throw a protest rally or what! (Photo Diary)

Japan earthquake: Swarms of fish off coast of Acapulco caused by tsunami? | Mail Online

Japan earthquake: Swarms of fish off coast of Acapulco caused by tsunami? | Mail Online

Susan Sarandon Speaks to Young People At Madison

CRimages: Unofficial Problem Bank List Mar 11, 2011

CRimages: Unofficial Problem Bank List Mar 11, 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011

UPDATED: Between Wisconsin Senate and Assembly Vote, Power Plant Sales Reappear | Crooks and Liars

UPDATED: Between Wisconsin Senate and Assembly Vote, Power Plant Sales Reappear | Crooks and Liars

ThinkProgress » NH GOP Senator Says The Mentally Ill Are ‘Defective People’ That Should Be Shipped Off To Siberia

ThinkProgress » NH GOP Senator Says The Mentally Ill Are ‘Defective People’ That Should Be Shipped Off To Siberia

Army private 'pressured to implicate Assange' - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Army private 'pressured to implicate Assange' - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

WikiLeaks:Strategy - WikiLeaks

WikiLeaks:Strategy - WikiLeaks

Mother Jones magazine on Tumblr - Chart of the Day: This is what class war looks...

Mother Jones magazine on Tumblr - Chart of the Day: This is what class war looks...

msnbc tv: Questions persist over accused leaker’s conditions

msnbc tv: Questions persist over accused leaker’s conditions

[2ch] New Speed ​​Quality: [Image] In summary the picture is too dangerously earthquake Northeast International Sites

[2ch] New Speed ​​Quality: [Image] In summary the picture is too dangerously earthquake Northeast International Sites

Just devastating.

GOP Budget Cuts Target Tsunami Warning Center | Mother Jones

GOP Budget Cuts Target Tsunami Warning Center | Mother Jones

A killer tsunami has devastated Japan and is now threatening Hawaii and the Pacific Coast of the US. But just last month, Republicans voted to gut funding for the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center—a cut that would cripple the National Weather Service's ability to issue warnings about such disasters.

Wisconsin Poll: Republican Enthusiasm Gap Vanishes

Wisconsin Poll: Republican Enthusiasm Gap Vanishes

The poll released this past weekend by a conservative Wisconsin think tank did more than indicate a preference for compromise among Wisconsin adults. It also includes evidence that the enthusiasm gap favoring Republicans in Wisconsin in 2010 has vanished.

State Dept. official's comments about WikiLeaks suspect touch off furor - Wire - Lifestyle -

State Dept. official's comments about WikiLeaks suspect touch off furor - Wire - Lifestyle -

Assange case in turmoil as accuser linked to police

Assange case in turmoil as accuser linked to police

Eyewitness Recalls Earthquake | Dylan Ratigan

Eyewitness Recalls Earthquake | Dylan Ratigan

Mother Jones magazine on Tumblr - On a day when science reminds humans who’s the...

Mother Jones magazine on Tumblr - On a day when science reminds humans who’s the...

More Earthquakes to Come in Japan - Culture - GOOD - StumbleUpon

More Earthquakes to Come in Japan - Culture - GOOD - StumbleUpon

Japan declares state of atomic power emergency | Video |

Japan declares state of atomic power emergency | Video |

Walker’s Big Bank Donors Take a Hit | The Nation

Walker’s Big Bank Donors Take a Hit | The Nation

88,000 People, a High Speed Bullet Train, and a Cruise Ship Are Missing in Japan - New York News - Runnin' Scared

88,000 People, a High Speed Bullet Train, and a Cruise Ship Are Missing in Japan - New York News - Runnin' Scared

Thursday, March 10, 2011

YouTube - GRITtv: F Word: When Is It Time for a General Strike?

YouTube - GRITtv: F Word: When Is It Time for a General Strike?

Dumbing Deficits Down -

Dumbing Deficits Down -

WikiLeaks:Big picture - WikiLeaks

WikiLeaks:Big picture - WikiLeaks

What do Walmart, FOX News, and Koch Brothers have in common?

What do Walmart, FOX News, and Koch Brothers have in common?

Keep on eye on Marshall & Ilsley Bank

Keep on eye on Marshall & Ilsley Bank

TwitLonger: I'm trying to recall who said this: Remember the Bush aide who stated the following: ''We're an empi

TwitLonger: I'm trying to recall who said this: Remember the Bush aide who stated the following: ''We're an empi

Not So Silent Thoughts: 2nd aide within a week meets death under strange circumstances. Obama 's got some splanin to do!

Not So Silent Thoughts: 2nd aide within a week meets death under strange circumstances. Obama 's got some splanin to do!

Things that make you go .."hmmmm..."

Justice Department plans to use secret code in leak trial - Josh Gerstein -

Justice Department plans to use secret code in leak trial - Josh Gerstein -

Tim Scolnick | Upton’s Upcoming Pipeline Safety Legislation Is Next Favor To Koch Brothers

Tim Scolnick | Upton’s Upcoming Pipeline Safety Legislation Is Next Favor To Koch Brothers

Friday, March 4, 2011

A Declaration of Cyber-War | Culture | Vanity Fair

A Declaration of Cyber-War | Culture | Vanity Fair

Trying to decide if this is hyperbole or a true threat.

Chart of the Day: Who's Afraid of the Tea Party? | Mother Jones

Chart of the Day: Who's Afraid of the Tea Party? | Mother Jones

Not that powerful. But then who expected Koch Corporate Astroturfers to be anything but a silly and pathetic little club of white bohys and gurls with nothing better to do than to make asses of themselves.

Justice Cranks Up Its Covert War on Whistleblowers—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)

Justice Cranks Up Its Covert War on Whistleblowers—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)

Shame on Obama.

Harvard Law Reviews WikiLeaks Censorship | GroundReport

Harvard Law Reviews WikiLeaks Censorship | GroundReport

A working draft of the report has been made available online. The draft exposes how the U.S. government, mainstream media, and the emerging corporatocracy have been working together to infringe on the First Amendment Rights of the “networked fourth estate” sites, like WikiLeaks. Essentially, the government has been tripping over its feet to find ways to stop Wikileaks from expressing speech which Benkler argues is clearly protected by the U.S. Constitution and solidly supported by Supreme Court precedent.

With false statements coming from the State Department, key Senators, and the White House, major credit cards, Pay Pal, and host of other sites like Amazon cut off ties with WikiLeaks. Benkler points out that legally, the U.S. government did not have the right to shut down WikiLeaks. However, by a series of “extra-legal” means, the government was able to temporarily shut down the site and its revenue stream. Essentially, all the major corporate controls of the Internet, have now blocked WikiLeaks, as a result of a relentless government propaganda campaign to censor the organization.  

Libya: Oil Industry Group Opposes Obama's Sanctions | Mother Jones

Libya: Oil Industry Group Opposes Obama's Sanctions | Mother Jones

American oil companies are sensitive about discussing their role in operating in Qaddafi's Libya. In the interest of protecting its members, USA*Engage, too, is cagey about having a spotlight on its activities. Reinsch, for his part, only spoke to Mother Jones reluctantly, saying, at one point, "I think it would be better for the story never to come out."

Thursday, March 3, 2011

How to Kill a Recovery -

How to Kill a Recovery -

WikiLeaks Soldier Left Naked in Cell, Lawyer Says -

WikiLeaks Soldier Left Naked in Cell, Lawyer Says -

Disgusting. Manning has been convicted of NO crimes. This is obscene.

Media Currently Publishing

Media Currently Publishing

50 media organizations publishing US Diplomatic Cables or original stories from WikiLeaks in 29 countries:

Clinton admits WikiLeaks will dominate the rest of her life - Americas, World - The Independent

Clinton admits WikiLeaks will dominate the rest of her life - Americas, World - The Independent

Whose House? Our House! - Wisconsin State AFL-CIO Blog

Whose House? Our House! - Wisconsin State AFL-CIO Blog

Panorama - Shooters walk free, whistleblower jailed -

Panorama - Shooters walk free, whistleblower jailed -

Stating Publicly for the First Time that "Gadhafi Must Leave, " President Obama Announces US Military Planes Will Help Refugees - Political Punch

Stating Publicly for the First Time that "Gadhafi Must Leave, " President Obama Announces US Military Planes Will Help Refugees - Political Punch

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Surviving 21st december 2012

Surviving 21st december 2012

ThinkProgress » BREAKING: Wisconsin Voters Launch Recall Campaign Against Eight GOP State Senators

ThinkProgress » BREAKING: Wisconsin Voters Launch Recall Campaign Against Eight GOP State Senators

Will DOJ Finally Finish Its “Review” of Faulty White Paper on Illegal Wiretapping on Monday? | Emptywheel

Will DOJ Finally Finish Its “Review” of Faulty White Paper on Illegal Wiretapping on Monday? | Emptywheel

What's the hold-up?

SpyTalk - Spy bloggers not ‘friending’ U.S. targets, Centcom says

SpyTalk - Spy bloggers not ‘friending’ U.S. targets, Centcom says

Yeah, riiiiight. Not believing it.

Reports: Government Wasting Billions | Dylan Ratigan

Reports: Government Wasting Billions | Dylan Ratigan

Collateral Murder

Collateral Murder

British Court to Anti-Gay Couple: No Foster Kids | Mother Jones

British Court to Anti-Gay Couple: No Foster Kids | Mother Jones

Nine Afghan Boys Killed by NATO Helicopters -

Nine Afghan Boys Killed by NATO Helicopters -

Exclusive - WikiLeaks: How the Cola war was won in Libya | Reuters

Exclusive - WikiLeaks: How the Cola war was won in Libya | Reuters

Life in the Sea Ice | Mother Jones

Life in the Sea Ice | Mother Jones

Monday, February 28, 2011

HBGary Federal’s Aaron Barr Resigns After Anonymous Hack Scandal - Andy Greenberg - The Firewall - Forbes

HBGary Federal’s Aaron Barr Resigns After Anonymous Hack Scandal - Andy Greenberg - The Firewall - Forbes

Pro-Gadhafi forces fight rebels in 2 cities - Yahoo! News

Pro-Gadhafi forces fight rebels in 2 cities - Yahoo! News

Democrats call for an investigation of Hunton & Williams

Democrats call for an investigation of Hunton & Williams

The Plum Line - Dem poll: Republicans turning on Scott Walker

The Plum Line - Dem poll: Republicans turning on Scott Walker

HBGary Federal CEO Aaron Barr Steps Down | threatpost

HBGary Federal CEO Aaron Barr Steps Down | threatpost

Cracking down on Wall Street | Dylan Ratigan

Cracking down on Wall Street | Dylan Ratigan

Joanna Zelman | Why The U.S. Department of Defense Should Fight A War Against Global Warming Instead Of People

Joanna Zelman | Why The U.S. Department of Defense Should Fight A War Against Global Warming Instead Of People

AFSCME Files Unfair Labor Practice Against Walker in Wisconsin | FDL News Desk

AFSCME Files Unfair Labor Practice Against Walker in Wisconsin | FDL News Desk

Put a Tyrant in Your Tank | Mother Jones

Put a Tyrant in Your Tank | Mother Jones

Close Read: Keeping Quiet About Davis : The New Yorker

Close Read: Keeping Quiet About Davis : The New Yorker

Inside Job: “Not a single executive has gone to jail.” | Dylan Ratigan

Inside Job: “Not a single executive has gone to jail.” | Dylan Ratigan

Obama Calls the Republican Healthcare Bluff | Mother Jones

Obama Calls the Republican Healthcare Bluff | Mother Jones

....The legislation would allow states to opt out earlier from various requirements if they could demonstrate that other methods would allow them to cover as many people, with insurance that is as comprehensive and affordable, as provided by the new law....If states can meet those standards, they can ask to circumvent minimum benefit levels, structural requirements for insurance exchanges and the mandates that most individuals obtain coverage and that employers provide it.

New York Times Punk’d By Anti-Union Plant | FOK News Channel

New York Times Punk’d By Anti-Union Plant | FOK News Channel

Koch Classic

Koch Classic

"If law fails, CIA will assassinate Assange"

U.S. shields foreign mercenaries in Libya to protect Bush officials - Glenn Greenwald -

U.S. shields foreign mercenaries in Libya to protect Bush officials - Glenn Greenwald -

Why would a clause be inserted to expressly protect war crimes-committing mercenaries on Gadaffi's payroll from international prosecutions? Because, as The Telegraph's John Swaine reports, the Obama administration insisted on its inclusion -- as an absolutely non-negotiable demand -- due to a fear that its exclusion might render Bush officials (or, ultimately, even Obama officials) subject to war crimes prosecutions at the ICC on the same theory that would be used to hold Libya's mercenaries accountable:

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Four Swiss Bankers Charged with Helping U.S. Taxpayers Use Secret Accounts at Swiss Banks to Evade U.S. Taxes

Four Swiss Bankers Charged with Helping U.S. Taxpayers Use Secret Accounts at Swiss Banks to Evade U.S. Taxes

Return of the Class Struggle « LRB blog

Return of the Class Struggle « LRB blog

Indiana Dems: This Is Our Moment And We're Seizing It | TPMDC

Indiana Dems: This Is Our Moment And We're Seizing It | TPMDC

FOP to GOP yesterday—Here’s want we want: what we public employees already have

FOP to GOP yesterday—Here’s want we want: what we public employees already have

Watchdog Wants Probe of Gov. Walker's State Patrol Visit | Mother Jones

Watchdog Wants Probe of Gov. Walker's State Patrol Visit | Mother Jones

Gaddafi ordered Lockerbie bombing: Ex-minister

Gaddafi ordered Lockerbie bombing: Ex-minister

Toxic Tipping Point | Mother Jones

Toxic Tipping Point | Mother Jones

Tweet lands Deputy AG in hot water

Tweet lands Deputy AG in hot water

Did Scott Walker Get Crank-Call Pwned? (AUDIO) UPDATE: YES | Mother Jones

Did Scott Walker Get Crank-Call Pwned? (AUDIO) UPDATE: YES | Mother Jones

The Story of Citizens United v. FEC (2011) -- Teaser

Monday, February 21, 2011

POLITICO: Among Libya's lobbyists - Laura Rozen - Among Libya's lobbyists

POLITICO: Among Libya's lobbyists - Laura Rozen - Among Libya's lobbyists

An Open Letter to Journalists From Gasland Director Josh Fox in Response to Attacks by Gas Industry

An Open Letter to Journalists From Gasland Director Josh Fox in Response to Attacks by Gas Industry

What Would Teddy Do? | Dylan Ratigan

What Would Teddy Do? | Dylan Ratigan

Tim Scolnick | Canada Bullying The European Union Over Tar Sands, Threatening To Scuttle Trade Agreement

Tim Scolnick | Canada Bullying The European Union Over Tar Sands, Threatening To Scuttle Trade Agreement

Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism

Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism

Daily Kos: Slave Labor - Money trail leads to Koch Brothers and Conservatives who want your job!

Daily Kos: Slave Labor - Money trail leads to Koch Brothers and Conservatives who want your job!

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Obama Administration and the Taliban : The New Yorker

The Obama Administration and the Taliban : The New Yorker

Daily Kos: Organizing recall in Wisconsin

Daily Kos: Organizing recall in Wisconsin

How Monsanto And Evangelical Christian Organizations Hijacked The Taxpayer Money Intended For Haiti | Disinformation

How Monsanto And Evangelical Christian Organizations Hijacked The Taxpayer Money Intended For Haiti | Disinformation

So sick of these corporate and creepy religious slug carpetbaggers stealing from the poor.

Egypt decides to open Gaza crossing partially | News by Country | Reuters

Egypt decides to open Gaza crossing partially | News by Country | Reuters

U.S. vetoes U.N. draft condemning Israeli settlements | Reuters

U.S. vetoes U.N. draft condemning Israeli settlements | Reuters


Egypt says Iran ships can use Suez Canal: source | Reuters

Egypt says Iran ships can use Suez Canal: source | Reuters

Ruh roh.

Bahrain royal family orders army to turn on the people - Telegraph

Bahrain royal family orders army to turn on the people - Telegraph

Cowardly royal family

Egypt: prison guards killed scores in run-up to fall of Hosni Mubarak - Telegraph

Egypt: prison guards killed scores in run-up to fall of Hosni Mubarak - Telegraph


Libyan protesters assert control - Telegraph

Libyan protesters assert control - Telegraph

Of Course a Grand Bargain Would Be Tilted Toward Spending Cuts | FDL News Desk

Of Course a Grand Bargain Would Be Tilted Toward Spending Cuts | FDL News Desk

Wisconsin Is a Battleground Against the Billionaire Kochs' Plan to Break Labor's Back | | AlterNet

Wisconsin Is a Battleground Against the Billionaire Kochs' Plan to Break Labor's Back | | AlterNet

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Daily Kos: GA Legislator Wants to Create The Uterus Police to Investigate Miscarriages

Daily Kos: GA Legislator Wants to Create The Uterus Police to Investigate Miscarriages

As George Carlin once said:

If you're pre-born, you're fine.
If you're pre-school, you're fucked.

Daily Kos: It's Spreading - Labor in Ohio Protests Union Buster Bill

Daily Kos: It's Spreading - Labor in Ohio Protests Union Buster Bill

WEST BANK: Obama calls Mahmoud Abbas, who calls for urgent leadership meeting | Babylon & Beyond | Los Angeles Times

WEST BANK: Obama calls Mahmoud Abbas, who calls for urgent leadership meeting | Babylon & Beyond | Los Angeles Times

"Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riyad Malki said the U.S. has tried to convince the Palestinians to withdraw their Security Council proposal, but without success. He said the proposed U.S. alternative to the Palestinian resolution would not make them change their minds."

Daily Kos: Wikileaks Informationthread 62: The Forgotten Man: Bradley Manning

Daily Kos: Wikileaks Informationthread 62: The Forgotten Man: Bradley Manning

slight paranoia

slight paranoia


"While tech companies aren't particularly crazy about adding new snooping capabilities into their services, they are even less excited about having to eat the financial cost of developing and deploying those backdoors."

Themis Applies JSOC Techniques to Citizens “Extorting” from Corporate Clients | Emptywheel

Themis Applies JSOC Techniques to Citizens “Extorting” from Corporate Clients | Emptywheel

Daily Kos: Clinton Resign: Hillary Shows Her Contempt for Free Speech, Silent 71 Year-Old Veteran Roughed Up

Daily Kos: Clinton Resign: Hillary Shows Her Contempt for Free Speech, Silent 71 Year-Old Veteran Roughed Up

The powerful law firm at the center of the WikiLeaks plot

The powerful law firm at the center of the WikiLeaks plot

Targets of Chamber of Commerce fight back

Targets of Chamber of Commerce fight back

Terrance Berg | Report: Alberta Oil Sands Most Destructive Project on Earth

Terrance Berg | Report: Alberta Oil Sands Most Destructive Project on Earth

Want the facts on the Alberta Oil Sands? Check our Top 10 Facts About the Alberta Oil Sands section.

Again with the Zombie Lies…

Again with the Zombie Lies…

Good to see people getting wise to these charlatans.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Truthout | Fearless, Independent News and Opinion

Truthout | Fearless, Independent News and Opinion

Daily Kos: Slave Labor & Privatization on increase, Driven by Conservative corporations and lawmakers

Daily Kos: Slave Labor & Privatization on increase, Driven by Conservative corporations and lawmakers

Daily Kos: Wikileaks Informationthread 61: Group Update

Daily Kos: Wikileaks Informationthread 61: Group Update

Taibbi's depressing new read on Wall Street

Taibbi's depressing new read on Wall Street

Daily Kos: Huge Victory for Sea Shepherd- Japan calls halt to Antarctic Whaling!

Daily Kos: Huge Victory for Sea Shepherd- Japan calls halt to Antarctic Whaling!


Chet Uber Contacted HBGary before He Publicized His Role in Turning in Bradley Manning | Emptywheel

Chet Uber Contacted HBGary before He Publicized His Role in Turning in Bradley Manning | Emptywheel

YouTube - Curveball - Germany

YouTube - Curveball - Germany


Friday, February 11, 2011

Karzai Adamant on Contractor Dismissal in Afghanistan | FDL News Desk

Karzai Adamant on Contractor Dismissal in Afghanistan | FDL News Desk

Within four months, eh?  Wow.

Brad Friedman on ChamberLeaks: “We’re fighting against how our own tax dollars are being spent against us.” | FDL News Desk

Brad Friedman on ChamberLeaks: “We’re fighting against how our own tax dollars are being spent against us.” | FDL News Desk

The Egyptian Revolution: First Impressions from the Field [Updated]

The Egyptian Revolution: First Impressions from the Field [Updated]

Further, the revolution lacked recognized leadership from beginning to end, a fact that seemed to matter most to observers but not to participants. I saw several debates in which participants strongly resisted being represented by any existing group or leader, just as they resisted demands that they produce “representatives” that someone, such as al-Azhar or the government, could talk to. When the government asked that someone be designated as a spokesperson for this revolt, many participants flippantly designated one of the disappeared, only in the hope that being so designated might hasten his reappearance.

Current TV in same position as pre-Olbermann MSNBC

Current TV in same position as pre-Olbermann MSNBC

Why Bradley Manning is a patriot, not a criminal

Why Bradley Manning is a patriot, not a criminal

The leaked campaign to attack WikiLeaks and its supporters

The leaked campaign to attack WikiLeaks and its supporters